Catalonia Running Dry

María Ramírez of reports, in the Guardian, on how Catalonia is ´on the frontline of the drought-stricken future´. Go to the article

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You can call me…

The Guardian reports on how a campaign by students in Barcelona aims to tackle the ´micro – racism´that labels shops and bars by the origins

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Feeling The Heat

Spain has recorded its hottest, driest April. The Guardian reports on how Madrid´s street performers are really feeling the heat.  Go to the article

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Rewilding Spain

The Guardian reports on how lynx, wild horses and vultures are returning to eastern Spain as part of Rewilding Europe´s 10th project.  Go to the

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Handling the Heat

The climate is changing. The Guardian reports on how countries like Britain are looking to Spain for ways of keeping cooler. Spain in its turn

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Penélope´s top 20

On the occasion of her 48th birthday, the Guardian ranks Penélope Cruz´s 20 best films. Any surprises? Any omissions? Go to the article

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